Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Rehearsing with eager joy, "all that God had done with them." Acts 14: 26, 27

From "Kampala" they took a "plane" and headed home to the city of "Amsterdam" and then on to "Chicago." (In Kampala they had been entrusted to God's care for the work they had now finished.) Upon their return they called the "family" together and proceeded to report in detail all that God, working with them, had done, and how He had opened for the "Joni & Friends" team, the door of faith. (Acts 14: 26, 27)

Last night, Nancy & I had the privilege of "rehearsing with eager joy" to our family & friends, some of the stories that had touched our hearts while in Uganda. One story that was especially meaningful to me was the testimony of Frank "PELE" Ssenyonjo (pictured on far left), one of the coaches at Sports Outreach Ministry. Frank was nicknamed "Pele" because of his superior soccer accomplishments on the Ugandan National Team. His athletic prowess gained him notoriety and financial rewards, but it also left him vulnerable to the dark world of the occult that is prevalent in sports in Africa. Frank shared with me that following a game in which he had scored the winning goal, a spell had been cast upon him which resulted in blood pouring out of his "uncut" toes. Frank felt an urgency from the Lord to fast and pray for two weeks in the mountains, on whether to continue playing for the National Team. To make a long story short, the Lord revealed His desire for "Pele" to leave a successful soccer career and begin work as a volunteer coach with Sports Outreach Ministry. That was eight years ago, and Frank has never regretted his decision. The Lord is using Frank in mighty ways through sports ministry to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the slum children in Kampala. What an encouragement it was to me to see his faith and passion for the unsaved. It was a privilege to travel with him to two of the slums and conduct basketball clinics for the young men who lived there. His willingness to "leave it all behind" to serve Christ was a compelling testimony to me that has left me "inarticulately changed."


  1. Thank you for sharing these personal stories of "real people" who understand what it means to live under the authority of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and to use their gifts in reaching their own countrymen with the transforming message of the gospel. They are living proof in their culture of what Paul said in Acts 14:15:"We too are only men, humans like you. We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them....YET he has not left himself without testimony..." Thank you for sharing these contemporary testimonies of God at work in Uganda through men like Frank and the others, who are reaching their own Jerusalem with the life-changing message that " Christ came into the world to save sinners."

  2. I have been sharing Frank's testimony with different people at my church. His story has really challenged some of the young people in what they are living for. I received an email from a young man at church who told me that he has been "blessed and encouraged" by Frank's decision. He said, "There is a man who is willing to face the giants" (like Caleb did in the Promise Land). It really impressed upon him that Frank was willing to give up fame and money to follow God. Thank you for sharing Frank's story.
