Shadrach, a 10 year old boy with cerebral palsy, received his first pair of orthoses during our visit. He listened patiently but with curiosity while Amon and I explained to him the process of measuring and fitting the orthoses, and how they could help him. He smiled at my request that he join us in prayer to ask God for guidance in our selection, and reverently bowed his head. When the process was finished, Shadrach wore orthoses that had a “spiderman” design. I will never forget the joy on his face to also receive shoes! Shadrach will now be able to progress in standing activities in school.
As Shadrach, Amon, and I joined together in a prayer of thanksgiving, I was overwhelmed by the steadfast lovingkindness of Christ. The orchestration of events that led from the donation of these orthoses to Shadrach’s great joy in receiving them testified to the faithfulness of the Lord. This last photo was taken on our final day at KSPH during a time of singing praises to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.
Thoughts of Shadrach and some of his schoolmates come to mind often while I work. Tonight, I was reminded of an earlier post on this blog; it's title bears the words from Psalm 89:1. As they were prior to our departure, the days since our return from Uganda have not been without difficulties and discouragements. Yet above all, dear senders, the banner we raised then remains over us: “HESED”, the steadfast lovingkindness of the Lord. We departed Wheaton singing, armor on, to tell out the Lord’s faithfulness to the children of Uganda...we departed Kampala singing, armor still on, and we will continue to tell out the Lord's faithfulness forever.
"I will sing of the steadfast love of the LORD forever; with my mouth, I will make known your faithfulness to all generations."
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