Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord forever; with my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 89:1

“Hesed” is a Hebrew word that signifies the steadfast lovingkindness of the Lord. For Beth and for me, this opportunity in Uganda is all about Hesed.

In my life, Hesed is shown in the Lord’s fulfillment of my 35+ years desire to serve in Africa, to tell out the story of Jesus and His love. It is the “yes” answer to the prayers of my Ugandan friend, Sylvia, and I, that God would open the door for me to travel to her country and, perhaps, to again serve together people affected by disability. It is revealed in the example of God bringing His people together as “family” in that Beth’s son and my daughter will be married next year. How amazing is that? It is demonstrated in God’s perfect timing, as the invitation to join the Cause 4Life Uganda Team came from Joni and Friends in the midst of my intense study of pediatric physical therapy materials- exactly the preparation needed for my work with the children of KSPH. And it has all been confirmed by John’s words of blessing.

From our postings on the armor of God, you must know that the days leading to our departure have not been without difficulties and discouragements. Yet above all, dear senders, the banner we raise is “Hesed”, the steadfast lovingkindness of the Lord. We depart singing, armor on, to tell out the Lord’s faithfulness to the children of Uganda. You will be in our prayers, and we thank you for yours.

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