Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Such excitement fills my heart as I await our departure in just over two weeks. Nancy & I had an opportunity this past Saturday to meet our team leaders, Kelly & Rachel, two young women whom the Lord has gifted in ministry, and who we hope to join together with in ministry in Uganda. They have already been to Ethiopia and are returning to Africa to further serve the Lord at the School for the Handicapped in Kampala. Their enthusiasm and experience is such an encouragement to me, and calmed some of the fears I have about going. I hope that the Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified as He takes all the skills and gifts that we bring and puts them together to be a blessing to the people we are privileged to meet and serve. I know that the richness of this experience is something the Lord has ordained for me to be a part of, and the opportunity is both exciting and humbling as I prepare in these final days. It is my prayer that I will serve in the power of the Holy Spirit and be used by Him in whatever way He deems fit. "Not to us, not to us, but to Your Name be the Glory."

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for the both of you! I cannot wait to hear about this amazing adventure and see what the Lord is going to do in both of your lives and in the lives of those you work with. Take lots of pictures, sing lots of songs, and come back with amazing stories. The Lord has and will continue to bless you on this adventure :).
