Thursday, June 10, 2010

Spiritual shoes.....the key to a good defense.

"And having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace..." Ephesians 6: 15

As a college basketball coach, I am always talking to my players about the importance of preparation before we face our opponent in a game. In the Christian's life, preparation is our spiritual readiness to face whatever challenges come our way. Not only does the saint need to be dressed with a belt made of truth and a breastplate made of righteousness, but shoes, made from the preparation of the gospel of peace, should be the third piece of vital armor that a protected saint should wear. Although physical shoes are an accessory that can add to one's appearance, their main purpose spiritually is to aid in our movement and defense. In my sport, I have never seen a stellar defender that did not have good foot movement. The gospel of peace is the good news that God, through Christ, forgives and then He gives. Is there anything greater than that? God can take whatever hopelessness we face in our lives and fill our emptiness with the glory of eternity. That is what He has done in my life, and no matter the affliction you or I face, they are too thin a veil to darken the joy of the good news of Jesus Christ. The spiritual shoes we put on as we travel to Uganda come equipped with soles that have something to offer the needy souls we will meet along the way. Will you pray for all of the team members, that we will take with us a spiritual readiness, feet shod with preparation of the gospel of peace? Thank you, from the top of my head to the bottom of my soles.

1 comment:

  1. The Lord is going to do amazing things on this trip and in both of your lives. He is the one that will work through you and use you to do great things. You are excited and prepared--physically, mentally, and spiritually--but even in this, you can never fully know what to expect. Expect the unexpected. That's what I have learned. BUT, this is where trust and the Lord's hand comes into play. Just like a player on the court who has practiced, when it comes to game time, things come up that only experience, practice, and trust in teammates, can help him/her with. You both have a prepared heart of servanthood, a heart that wants to be like Christ's, a prayerful attitude, and an attitude of surrender to the Lord. Keep leaning hard and trusting in His sovereigness. Love ya both and will be praying lots!

    Isaiah 50:4: "The sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know what to say to all these weary ones. Morning by morning He wakens me and opens my understanding to His will."
